A bit of time has elapsed since we started this website up, and for a bit I was afraid this would just become a public struggle for wedding planning, but in the past few months we actually got our acts together and hammered out some details. First we decided we both need to see a relationship psychologist. Second we needed a place to pull this thing off.
I'm joking about the shrink of course (although at times it sounds like a very good idea) but we do have a date!
July 15, 2005 at 5:30 at the Bungalow in Bowring Park, St. John's.
Since so many of our family and friends are scattered about the four corners, we are sending out in the mail some "save the date" magnets to remind you to mark it in your calendars.
Since I have done this, I have realized that I have turned into the dreaded Bridezilla as I have spent a small fortune in wedding magazines, poured over websites, consulted wedding guru Martha Stewart, spent hours in the basement on the computer and then emerged, crawling up the stairs wild eyed and disheveled to fling myself at the feet of my husband to be (who no longer recognises me at this point) holding aloft...the fridge magnets! Of course I'm kidding. Well, I guess you should speak to Marcus.